Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lost In Translation

Had my first "Lost in Translation" moment yesterday while taking the medical exam in Shenzhen, as a part of the requirement for applying for my residence permit. This is a moment that feels familiar (taking a medical exam) but is just enough off-kilter to feel a little surreal. I was met at my hotel by a wonderful associate from Fragomen (the company helping me with the visa process) and she caught a taxi for us. Off we went to the clinic. We entered a part of Shenzhen without any English markers and headed to get my photo taken (my sixteenth passport photo, for anyone keeping track). If anyone does this in the future" my recommendation is to go to your local Walgreens/CVS and buy the bulk pack. I had to take the photo with my glasses off as they had steamed up due to the humidity when I left the air-conditioned cab.

Once the photos were produced, we headed across the street to a pink-tiled building that was a mass exam/quick treatment clinic, I think. My assistant started picking up forms, pointing out where to sign, talking with the various nurses and clerks and then shepherding me from room to room. The exam choreography was familiar (height, weight, ekg, blood pressure, bloodwork, chest x-ray, ultrasound), but going through each stage without understanding anything being said to me was tricky. I think the purpose of the Ultrasound was to verify internal organs ... I took the examiner for a bit of a loop when he kept trying to find a left kidney, which I haven't had since 1976. I tried to explain, but it seemed like eventually he just gave up and stamped my form.

Thinking back, it was probably a little surreal for the other folks in the clinic as I was clearly the whitest, tallest guy there, toting my work briefcase and standing in slacks with my shirt untucked. I was probably the vision of an US businessman, fresh back from a bacterial-infused cruise to Bangcock.

After just forty minutes, thanks to Ms. Zhu, I was out and on my way to work, looking for a breakfast stand along the way to break my fast. In just four short days, I'll have my results back and will trek with Ms. Zhu to meet with a government official for my interview for the residency permit. So far a fun and interesting experience.

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